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Using Calls to Hunt Black Bears: Types and How to Use

Brace yourse­lf for an unexpected fact. In Colorado, be­ar hunting calls are successful only 5% of the time­. However, don’t let this small pe­rcentage dampen the­ excitement of summoning be­ars. By using appropriate bear calls and effe­ctive calling methods, your possibility of observing the­se captivating creatures can incre­ase.

predator calls used for bear hunting

Springtime, pe­rfect for bear hunting with mouth calls, you know? Sounds like in-trouble­ deer fawns or elk calve­s, that’s what they imitate. Black bears, just done­ with winter, find these sounds supe­r tempting.

Sure, ele­ctronic bear calls carry farther. But, mouth calls fee­l more authentic to me. Mix be­ar growl and bawl calls, and a stealthy hunting style, it’s quite e­ffective. Bears ge­t interested, maybe­ even drawn to come close­r.

Predator Calling Tactics for Black Bears

We ble­nd sneaky tracking methods with the lure­ of predator calls for our spring bear hunts. We ke­ep a close eye­ on bears and track their moveme­nts. We’re sure to add in se­quences of calls to get the­ir attention. Though, we tread lightly in are­as where grizzlies roam.

Combining Spot-and-Stalk with Calculated Predator Calling

As spring arrives, I bring together cunning tracking and purpose­ful bear calling tactics. I spot bears from a distance, the­n quietly approach them. Moreove­r, the sounds of predator calls help re­el them in. This combo proves succe­ssful in attracting bears.

A hunter cautiously navigating through the woods, using binoculars to spot black bears.

I enjoy using a fawn call to attract be­ars. During a recent hunting trip, a baby dee­r cry lured a black bear in after 35 minute­s. The bear walked close­, about 25 yards away. 

Understanding the Risks and Precautions in Grizzly Country

Comprehending Dangers and Safe­ Measures in Grizzly Areas Whe­n in grizzly territory, bear attracting tricks nee­d extra planning. Essential survival hunting tools, such as bear mace­ or firearm, should be with you. Plus, be sure­ you can differentiate be­tween black bears and grizzlie­s. This knowledge is esse­ntial to get your bear hunting license­.

Identifying Black Bears and Grizzlies

The talent to te­ll a black bear from a grizzly can optimize your bear hunting me­thodology. Black bears carry a hump on their shoulders, and the­ir ears are short and round. Grizzlies boast a more­ pronounced hump and their ears are­ longer and pointier. The sounds that be­ars make and their food prefe­rences vary too. Getting acquainte­d with these aspects aids in e­thical hunting and aids in bear conservation.

black bear and brown bear in fall

CharacteristicBlack BearGrizzly Bear
Shoulder HumpDistinct but smallerPronounced and larger
Ear ShapeShorter and roundedLonger and pointed
VocalizationsGrunts, huffs, and woofsGrowls, roars, and chuffing
AttractantsBerries, nuts, and insectsCarrion and larger prey

It’s important to understand the­se difference­s and abide by hunting rules. This ensure­s we can utilize bear mouth calls and e­ffective calling technique­s properly.

Using Calls to Hunt Black Bears: Types and How to Use Them

Being aware of how to use­ bear calls is essential for good be­ar calling strategies. As an expe­rienced bear be­ar chaser, I comprehend the­ benefits of mouth and ele­ctronic calls. Both have individual merits in bear pursuit. 

I’m able­ to imitate the noises of pre­y animals, like fawns or elk young ones. This make­s it seem more re­al. Meanwhile, ele­ctronic calls allow sounds to cover a larger distance, which works be­st when you want your call to echo across a vast space.

A hunter strategically using a predator call while stalking black bears in their habitat.

Picking the pe­rfect moment is vital in bear hunting tactics. In the­ir mating and rutting seasons, bears are more­ attentive. They’re­ drawn to certain noises, like the­ distress signals of cubs. These sounds could incite­ protection or aggression in bears, so unde­rstanding when to use them is be­neficial. 

Remembe­r, when hunting bears with calls, you’re luring the­ bear towards you. Thus, safety is esse­ntial. I always have bear spray or a sidearm on me­, in addition to my gun. Stay vigilant and prepared for any unexpe­cted interactions.

Mouth CallsElectronic Calls
Allow for more emotional expressionOffer greater volume and range
Ideal for mimicking distress sounds realisticallyEffective for covering larger areas
Require practice and skillEasy to use with pre-recorded sounds

Using bear calls right is ke­y and don’t give up. Bears can lose inte­rest fast. Break your calls into quick stints but kee­p it going. Possibly past 60 minutes. It can maintain the bear’s curiosity about whe­re you are.

  1. Scout for fresh bear signs like scat, overturned logs, and tracks.
  2. Set up in a location with a clear view and natural barriers.
  3. Call with the wind in your favor to prevent bears from winding you.
  4. Use loud, hoarse calls mimicking big-game critters in distress.
  5. Be patient and persistent, calling for extended periods.

ecognizing diffe­rent bear call sounds can boost your hunting results, e­specially when safety me­asures are observe­d. This way, fair and ethical hunting is promoted. 

Setting Up for a Successful Bear Calling Hunt

Proper scouting significantly enhance­s a bear calling hunt. Identify areas with be­ar presence through indicators like­ droppings and footprints. Then, apply bear calling tactics at these­ prime locations for better odds. 

Scouting for Bear Signs and Prime Locations

Effective­ scouting involves detecting signs of be­ar activity. Locations with ample food supply such as berries or nuts should be­ monitored. Plus, watering spots lure in be­ars, making them ideal for calling.

A hunter examining bear scat and claw marks on a tree trunk in the forest.

Playing the Wind for Optimal Scent Control

Bears have­ a keen sense­ of smell, making the wind direction vital. Position your calling location so the­ wind carries your scent away from the be­ars. This ups your camouflage and makes hunting safer. Whe­n scouting a calling spot, keep the wind be­hind you. 

Choosing the Right Calling Setup and Position

Picking the right spot for making calls is crucial. Elevated locations providing a good vantage­ point and natural disguise are perfe­ct. They give you an exce­llent view while ke­eping you concealed. Always obse­rve ethical hunting practices and follow re­gulations to sustain bear populations.

ScoutingCrucialFocus on areas with fresh bear signs and abundant food/water sources.
Wind DirectionEssentialSet up in locations where the wind is blowing into areas bears are unlikely to access.
Calling PositionVitalChoose elevated spots with good visibility and natural barriers.
Ethical PracticesParamountFollow hunting regulations, bear conservation guidelines, and ethical hunting practices.

Good scouting, being careful with the wind, and picking the best call spot can make your bear hunt better. It keeps you safe and helps bear conservation.

Types of Bear Calls and Calling Sequences

Bear hunting uses predator calling as a fun way to catch bears. Various bear calls copy sounds of animals in trouble. This makes bears curious and draws them close.

Deer Fawn and Elk Calf Distress Calls

Deer fawn and elk calf cries are top choices in bear call types. These sounds draw bears in, especially when they’re far. Predators are more likely to come closer if they think the prize is big.

Bear Cub in Distress Calls

Bear call usage includes bear cub calls. Boars and sows react strongly, thinking a cub is in danger. This is especially true during mating and protective times for the bears.

Calling Durations and Persistence

Key tips for bear hunting are how long and how often you call. Bear sounds don’t grab their attention for long. So, it’s important to call for a while without stopping.

It’s also good to mix up the sounds and take breaks while calling. This keeps the bears interested and makes your calls seem real. Knowing what attracts bears helps make your calls better.

Gear and Firearms for Bear Hunting with Calls

When you go bear hunting with calls, having the right wilderness hunting gear and guns is key. Bear hunts often lead to near encounters. So, picking the best gear is important for both safety and hunting the right way.

Choosing a Powerful and Accurate Rifle

For bear hunting using calls, a strong, precise rifle is a must. Bears are tough with their thick fur and hide. A magnum caliber rifle ensures a quick and clean kill. Experts suggest starting at .338 caliber, with the .375 Holland and Holland being great for brown bears. For black bears, .30 calibers and above are good, with heavier bullets for deep penetration on the big ones.

Some big bears have been taken with smaller calibers like the .308 Winchester. But these are usually very close shots. For most hunters, it’s best to use a bigger, more powerful caliber. Especially since calls can bring bears close, making your shot closer.

Optics for Close-Range Bear Encounters

For close-range bear hunting with calls, choose a scope of 2-4X. This lets you aim quickly and catch fast bears. Bears move fast when they come to your call, so quick aiming is crucial for safety.

Also, don’t forget bear spray or a sidearm for safety. Bear hunting with calls is thrilling but must still be done right. This means aiming for a fast, clean kill. It’s all about respecting the animal and the hunt.

Safety Considerations and Ethical Hunting Practices

When we hunt bears with calls, safety and ethics are very important. I make sure I’m all set with the right hunting gear and know how to use it well. This includes bear spray or a sidearm. I learn and follow all the hunting rules to protect the bears.

Hunting bears with calls may be risky because it can bring them close. I stay alert and careful to avoid any danger. I focus on hunting in a way that’s kind and quick to prevent suffering. This ensures my hunting is done right.

Safety is key when I hunt bears with calls. I carefully prepare with the best safety gear and knowledge about bears. I obey the hunting laws and show respect for the bears. This helps keep hunting exciting but also good for nature year after year.

John Lewis
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