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What Does a Baby Pigeon Look Like? Pictures Will Make You Smile!

Both stray (rock doves) and wood pigeons are abundant in cities, rural, and urban settings. There is little information regarding their offspring’s appearance. We created this page with baby pigeon photographs to answer common queries and explain their early development. Baby pigeons, or squabs, are seldom seen despite the intriguing rumors.

This page answers typical questions about newborn pigeons, making it beneficial for pet and breeding enthusiasts.

Key Takeaways

  • Young pigeons frequently have dark skin and lack all of their feathers.
  • Though occasionally you may glimpse other hues, their bodies are covered in the first stages of what will become feathers and can be yellow or white.
  • A baby pigeon’s wings, beak, and feet are proportionately much larger than its body; but, as it grows, the bird will grow into them.
  • The beak is often pinkish, but it can alternatively be grayer or even black.
  • As your baby pigeon grows bigger, it will gradually develop the same colors as the adult pigeons you are accustomed to seeing.
  • A baby pigeon will start acquiring its feathers and changing colors by the time it is a few weeks old.
  • Pigeon babies typically hatch in a nest where their mother can watch over them.

What Does a Baby Pigeon Look Like?

A pale, splotchy layer of yellow covers the pink or brownish skin of newly born young pigeons. This yellow gradually turns into feathers, which may sometimes have a white tint. They stand out for having excessively huge beaks, wings, and feet in relation to their bodies. But as they become bigger, their characteristics progressively change proportionately. Their feet become slate-gray, and their beak is usually pink, but it may sometimes be darker in color.

New Born Pigeon
New Born Pigeon

Because they are altricial, hatchlings need their parents to provide them with careful attention and nourishment from the time of hatching. The infants are delivered with their eyes closed and their heads up, laying facedown. They open their invoices once a week as part of their growth process.

When the nestling is 4 to 5 days old, the eyes of a baby pigeon open.

4 to 5 days old, the eyes of a baby pigeon open
4 to 5 days old, the eyes of a baby pigeon open

Unless you raise pigeons domestically or find a nest, you seldom see baby birds. Pigeons nest in high, isolated areas, making it difficult for casual viewers to see their young. Pigeons are usually initially seen as juveniles, which resemble adults.

How do pigeon eggs appear?

Pigeon eggs are typically small and white in color, with measurements of around 38.4 mm in length and 28.6 mm in breadth. These eggs weigh around 14.6g on average, and their eggshells are about 0.18mm thick.

baby pigeon eggs
baby pigeon eggs

Where are the Baby Pigeons?

Researchers often ask how often one comes across the offspring of various bird species. The only baby birds that are often seen in numerous places are those of the waterfowl family, which includes ducks, geese, and other related species. It is quite uncommon to see young birds of the other species.

Why are there no baby pigeons around?

Baby pigeons rarely appear because they remain in their nests for 30 days on average, longer than other bird species. Young pigeons resemble adult birds as they fledge, making it difficult but not impossible to differentiate them.

Pigeon nests are elusive, making their offspring rare. Pigeons nest in church towers, underpasses, chimneys, and abandoned buildings in cities. These nests are generally hidden, thus the nesting locations and newborn pigeons are too.

This habit comes from rock doves, pigeons’ forefathers. Rock doves nest on cliffs to avoid predators. Pigeons in cities also nest in high and sheltered areas.

Nest Place

Due to their unusual nesting habits, newborn pigeons are rare. Pigeons can nest in trees, but they prefer hidden areas like high structures, bridges, and roofs. Their nests occur in caves, rocky cliffs, or other flat, well-covered locations in less crowded areas. This selective nesting protects fragile newborns from weather and scavengers.

Why are there no baby pigeons around
Why are there no baby pigeons around

Animal specialists believe pigeons’ inconspicuous nesting practices deter predators. Falcons, owls, and sparrow hawks feed on vulnerable baby pigeons. Pigeon eggs are also threatened by tree-climbing cats, raccoons, and snakes. To defend their young from these predators, parent pigeons instinctively create nests in hidden places.

Strategically placed hiding areas guarantee that a young pigeon will not be detected if they leave the nest. Baby pigeons are rare in cities due to their clandestine nesting habits and hidden habitats.

Growth of Pigeon


Q) What is the size of a baby Pigeon?

A: Newly hatched pigeon babies typically measure 5 cm in length.

Q) What's the weight of a baby pigeon?

A: The typical weight of freshly hatched chicks is about 15g. At 30 days old, baby pigeons weigh between 270 and 350 grams after gaining between 4 and 8 grams per day.

Q) What is the name of a baby pigeon?

A: Squabs are the baby for young pigeons. The name “squab” refers to a young, immature pigeon that is typically under 4 weeks old and is unable to fly.

John Lewis
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