There are four unique hunting zones in South Carolina (in the past, the state was divided into six areas). This page includes the regulations, bag restrictions, license requirements, and useful links to participate.
South Carolina Hunting Seasons
SC Deer 2024-2025
Zones | Season Type | Season Dates |
1 | Primitive Weapons | October 1 – 10 |
Gun Hunts | October 11 – January 1 | |
2 | Archery | September 15 – 30 |
Primitive Weapons | October 1 – 10 | |
Gun Hunts | October 11 – January 1 | |
3 | Archery & Gun Hunts | August 15 – January 1 |
4 | Archery Only | August 15 – 31 |
Gun Hunts | September 1 – January 1 |

SC Youth Day Deer Hunt
Zone | Season Type | Season Dates |
1 | Primitive weapons and gun hunts | October 1 – January 1 |
2 | archery, primitive weapons, and gun hunts | September 15 – January 1 |
3 | Archery and gun hunts | August 15 – January 1 |
4 | Archery and gun hunts | August 15 – January 1 |
Deer Regulations.
- Every deer killed in a hunting area must have a valid deer tag attached to it before being removed from the killing area. The tag has to remain on until the deer is quartered or the body is sent to a processor.
- The authorized time to shoot deer is from 12 hours before sunrise to 12 hours after dusk (50-11-710).
- The use of dogs to track deer is prohibited in Game Zones 1 and 2. (50-11-310).
- No motorboat, raft, or other watercraft may be used for taking a deer.
- Any deer whose head has been removed while the animal is being taken from the site of the crime is illegal to possess (50-11-400).
- Hunting deer within 300 yards of a residence with a rifle within 10 feet of the ground is banned unless permission is given by the owner and the occupants. The provisions of this section do not apply to landowners who hunt on their own property or who take deer with the authorization of a department permit.
- Archery, muzzleloaders, crossbows, and pneumatic weapons are all fair game during gun season.
Black Bear | 17-Oct - 30-Oct | Game Zones 1 and 4 |
Zones | Area | Special Still Hunting | With Dogs |
1 | WMAs ~ Greenville, Oconee, Pickens (portions of Greenville, Oconee, and Pickens north of Game Zone 2 line), except Mill Shoals WMA | 2-Jan - 10-Jan | 18-Mar - 23-Mar |
WMAs ~ Abbeville, Anderson, Chester, Cherokee, Edgefield, Greenwood, Lancaster, Laurens, McCormick, Newberry, York, (portions of Greenville, Oconee, and Pickens south of Game Zone 1 line) except Keowee & Fants Grove WMAs | 7-Mar - 9-Mar | ||
3 | Bear Island | 7-Mar - 9-Mar | |
Donnelley | |||
Francis Marion Nat Forest—All WMAs | 4-Mar - 9-Mar | 18-Mar - 23-Mar | |
Hamilton Ridge | 24-Aug - 26-Aug | 7-Mar - 9-Mar | |
9-May - 11-May | |||
27-Jun - 29-Jun | |||
25-Jul - 27-Jul | |||
Palachucola | 24-Aug - 26-Aug | 7-Mar - 9-Mar | |
9-May - 11-May | |||
27-Jun - 29-Jun | |||
25-Jul - 27-Jul | |||
Santee Coastal Reserve | 11-Mar - 16-Mar | ||
Webb | 24-Aug - 26-Aug | 7-Mar - 9-Mar | |
9-May - 11-May | |||
27-Jun - 29-Jun | |||
25-Jul - 27-Jul | |||
4 | Great Pee Dee | 4-Mar - 9-Mar | 18-Mar - 23-Mar |
Hickory Top | 11-Mar - 16-Mar | ||
Little Pee Dee River Comp | 4-Mar - 9-Mar | 11-Mar - 16-Mar | |
Manchester SF | |||
Marsh | 18-Mar - 23-Mar | ||
Samworth (impoundments only) | 11-Mar - 16-Mar3 | ||
Santee Dam | |||
Santee Delta | |||
Waccamaw River | 4-Mar - 9-Mar | 11-Mar - 16-Mar | |
Wee Tee | |||
Woodbury | 18-Mar - 23-Mar |
9-Sep - 14-Oct | 1 per permit |
Spring 2024 | 1 & 2 | 1-Apr - 10-May | Private lands Game Zone 1 and 2 |
3 & 4 | 22-Mar - 30-Apr | Private lands Game Zone 3 and 4 | |
- | 1-Apr - 30-Apr | WMA lands statewide | |
Fall | Fall turkey hunting has never been permitted on a statewide basis in South Carolina. | ||
Bag Limits (Residents) | Bag Limits (Nonresidents) | ||
3 gobblers per season, no more than one per day, no more than one (1) from April 1-10 on private land and WMAs in Game Zones 1 & 2 | 2 gobblers per season, no more than one per day, no more than one (1) from April 1-10 on private land and WMAs in Game Zones 1 & 2 | ||
3 gobblers per season, no more than one per day, no more than one (1) from March 22-31 on private land in Game Zone 3 & 4 | 2 gobblers per season, no more than one per day, no more than one (1) from March 22-31 on private land in Game Zone 3 & 4 | ||
3 gobblers per season, no more than one per day | 2 gobblers per season, no more than one per day |
Statewide Private Lands | 1-Jan - 31-Dec | No limit |
WMA open to hunting coyote during open hunting seasons |
Private Land | 2-Mar - 22-Nov | 5 per day |
23-Nov - 1-Mar | ||
2-Mar - 27-Nov | ||
1-Sep - 15-Sep | ||
WMA | 23-Nov - 1-Mar |
Gray & Fox | Private Land | 2-Mar - 30-Sep | 10 per day |
1-Oct - 1-Mar | |||
2-Mar - 30-Sep | |||
1-Sep - 15-Sep | |||
2-Oct - 1-Mar | |||
WMA | 2-Mar - 30-Sep | ||
1-Oct - 1-Mar | |||
2-Mar - 30-Sep | |||
1-Sep - 15-Sep | |||
2-Oct - 1-Mar |
Private Land | 2-Mar - 22-Nov | No Limit |
23-Nov - 1-Mar | ||
2-Mar - 27-Nov | ||
1-Sep - 22-Nov | ||
WMA | 23-Nov - 1-Mar | |
1-Sep - 22-Nov | ||
23-Nov - 1-Mar |
Private Land | All Game Zones | Year-round | No Limit |
WMA | 2-Oct - 1-Mar |
Private Land | 23-Nov | No Limit | |
Private Land | 23-Nov - 1-Mar | No Limit |
Private Land | 23-Nov - 1-Mar | No Limit |
Private Land | 23-Nov - 1-Mar | No Limit |
Private Land | 23-Nov - 1-Mar | No Limit |
Private Land | 23-Nov - 1-Mar | No Limit |
Private Land | 16-Mar - 14-Sep | 3 per party, per day |
15-Sep - 15-Mar | ||
16-Mar - 14-Sep | ||
1-Sep - 14-Sep | ||
15-Sep - 1-Mar | ||
WMA | 16-Mar - 14-Sep | 3 per party, per day |
15-Sep - 1-Mar |
Private Land | 16-Mar - 14-Sep | 3 per party, per day |
15-Sep - 15-Mar | ||
16-Mar - 14-Sep | ||
1-Sep - 14-Sep | No limit | |
15-Sep - 1-Mar | ||
WMA | 16-Mar - 14-Sep | 3 per party, per day |
15-Sep - 1-Mar |
Youth Hunt Days (Private Land)
Raccoon | 9-Sep | Private Land (Statewide) | 3 per party per day |
Squirrel | 30-Sep | 10 per day | |
Quail | 18-Nov | 12 per day | |
Rabbit | 2-Mar | 5 per day |
Upland Birds
Private Land | Game Zone 1 only | 23-Nov - 1-Mar | 3 per day |
Private Land | 2-Mar - 19-Nov | 12 per day |
20-Nov - 1-Mar | ||
2-Mar - 24-Nov | ||
1-Sep - 15-Sep | ||
WMA Season | 20-Nov - 1-Mar |
SC Migratory Birds
Private Land Season | All Game Zones | 1-Nov-23 - 1-Mar-24 | No Limit |
WMA Season |
Private Land | 2-Sep - 4-Sep | Bag of 15 per day |
5-Sep - 7-Oct | ||
11-Nov - 25-Nov | ||
24-Dec - 31-Jan | ||
WMA | 2-Sep - 4-Sep | |
5-Sep - 7-Oct | ||
11-Nov - 25-Nov | ||
24-Dec - 31-Jan |
Common Snipe | 12-Nov - 26-Feb | 8 Total |
18-Dec - 31-Jan | 3 Total |
Bag Limits | ||
Canada Geese | 1-Sep - 30-Sep | 15 in total |
18-Nov - 25-Nov | ||
12-Dec - 31-Jan | ||
15-Feb - 1-Mar | ||
White-fronted & Snow Geese | 18-Nov - 25-Nov | 5 Total |
12-Dec - 31-Jan | 5 Total (No more than 2 White-fronted Geese) | |
15-Feb - 1-Mar | ||
Snow Geese | 18-Nov - 25-Nov | 25 Total |
12-Dec - 31-Jan | ||
15-Feb - 1-Mar |
Early Teal (Blue & Green-winged) | 15-Sep - 30-Sep | 6 Total |
Ducks (Including Sea Ducks) | 18-Nov - 25-Nov | 6 |
12-Dec - 31-Jan | ||
Harlequin Duck | No Open Season | N/A |
18-Nov - 25-Nov | 5 Total, No more than 1 Hooded Merganser |
12-Dec - 31-Jan | 5 Total, No more than 1 Hooded Merganser |
American Coots | 18-Nov | 25-Nov | 15 |
12-Dec | 31-Jan |
Greater & Lesser | 18-Nov - 25-Nov | 2/day |
12-Dec - 22-Dec | 2/day | |
23-Dec - 31-Jan | 1/day |
2-Jan - 31-Jan | 2 in Total |
Common Moorhens | 1-Sep - 4-Sep | 15 Total |
27-Sep - 1-Dec |
Purple Gallinules | 1-Sep - 4-Sep | 15 Total |
27-Sep - 1-Dec |
No Open Season |
Marsh Hens/Rails | King and Clapper | 1-Sep - 4-Sep | 15 Total |
Sora and Virginia | 27-Sep - 1-Dec | 25 Total |
Free Hunter Education Course at Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Details | Information |
Event | Free Hunter Education Course at Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge |
Date | Saturday, Sept. 16 |
Time | 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. |
Location | Refuge office, 23734 U.S. 1, three miles north of McBee |
Instructor | S.C. Department of Natural Resources |
Course Purpose | Provides hunter education for those interested in conservation and outdoor activities |
Requirements | Mandatory for residents/non-residents born after June 30, 1979, seeking hunting license |
Recommended Age | Motivated students 12 years and older with good reading skills |
Final Exam Age | Only children age 10 and older can take the final exam |
Age 12 and Under | Must be accompanied by a parent/guardian |
Pre-Registration | |
Alternate Registration | Search for "SCDNR Hunter Education," then search by ZIP code, 29101 |
Accommodations | Contact refuge at 843-335-8350 by Sept. 6 for reasonable accommodations |
Lunch | Participants should bring lunch or money for lunch offsite |
What can I do if I purchased my license online but didn’t print my payment receipt?
You will get an email with your license details when you buy your license online. You are free to hunt or fish with this email. If you opt to receive a physical copy by mail, you can utilize it during your outdoor pursuits. Download our mobile app, Go Outdoors South Carolina, load your customer profile, and sync your licenses to the app. This serves as a valid hunting and/or fishing license if you have already purchased a license in any other way.
When does South Carolina hunting season begin and end?
Outdoor enthusiasts can engage in various activities from August to February, tailored to different species. For deer, both archery and rifle experiences extend from September to January. The period from September through November is dedicated to elk and bear pursuits, encompassing both archery and gun sessions. Waterfowl enthusiasts can partake in captivating experiences with ducks, geese, and other aquatic birds from September to January. Those interested in small game can explore opportunities to pursue rabbits, squirrels, and more, spanning from October to February.
What are the most popular South Carolina hunting species?
White-tailed deer, feral pigs (considered invasive), black bears (particularly in mountainous regions), waterfowl (including ducks and geese), and small game such as rabbits and squirrels attract significant attention in South Carolina during the designated activity timeframe. Each of these species presents unique challenges and opportunities. Turkeys, quail, and doves are also prevalent game species in South Carolina.
How can I obtain a hunting license in South Carolina?
To qualify for a license in South Carolina, individuals must be at least 16 years old and possess a valid South Carolina driver’s license or identity card. Those born after June 30, 1979, are required to complete hunter education, accessible on the SCDNR website. The license can be acquired online, through mail, or from an authorized licensing agent. Fees vary based on the license type and targeted species, with options for residents, nonresidents, the elderly, disabled individuals, and lifelong permits. When participating in outdoor activities on public lands, individuals must present their hunting license for verification.
Can non-residents participate in South Carolina's hunting season?
Yes, non-residents can participate in hunting activities and permits come with additional fees and may have restrictions on certain animal species. Moreover, non-residents often face more limited tag allowances compared to residents. There may be a potential disadvantage for non-residents in the lottery process for acquiring licenses.
What are the different types of hunting methods allowed in South Carolina?
Various methods such as archery, shotgun, rifle, muzzleloader, handgun, and crossbow are commonly employed. While the use of hunting dogs is allowed, there are specific limitations in place.
Are there any youth-specific hunting opportunities in South Carolina?
Yes, special opportunities are provided during the outdoor activity period to engage young individuals in safe and enjoyable experiences related to wildlife. Youth-specific events, including opportunities for Deer, Turkey, and Waterfowl, cater to those aged 12 to 16. The Youth Hunting Mentoring Program is specifically designed for children aged 12 and under, pairing them with experienced mentors. To participate, young hunters need to meet certain criteria, hold a juvenile outdoor license, and be accompanied by a licensed adult mentor.
How do I report my harvested game in South Carolina?
Through the SC Game Check app to report your harvested game. When ready to report, input species, date and time of harvest, location, tag number (if relevant), sex, animal age (if known), and harvest technique into your personal account. You may also report to SC Game Check by mail or by phoning 1-833-4SC-GAME. You must report the kill within 24 hours with your hunting license, tags, and documentation of the kill (picture or tag). Reporting promptly and accurately helps preserve game populations.
What are the penalties for hunting violations or non-compliance in South Carolina?
The consequences for violations related to wildlife regulations in South Carolina are contingent upon the severity of the offense. Offenses such as engaging in hunting without a valid license, hunting outside designated time frames, utilizing prohibited weapons, unauthorized killing of animals, and interference with wildlife carry varying penalties. Classified as Class 1 through Class 3 offenses, these transgressions may result in 30-day imprisonment and fines of up to $1,000. Offenders also face the potential suspension or revocation of their wildlife licenses.
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Is the dove opening Sept. 3 a sunday