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White Dove Vs White Pigeon [Uncover the Secrets!]

White Dove Vs. White Pigeon

At a glance, white doves and white pigeons appear quite similar. However, there are important distinctions between these two bird species in terms of taxonomy, physiology, behavior, habitat and symbolism. Read on to learn how white doves and white pigeons differ to gain a better understanding and appreciation of these misunderstood birds. Taxonomy and Genetics … Read more

How Many Eggs Does a Dove Lay? Prepare to Be Amazed!

how many eggs does a dove lay

With their soft coos and gentle demeanor, doves make appealing backyard visitors. Doves build flimsy platform nests in trees or on manmade structures to lay and incubate their small clutches of eggs. But how many eggs does a dove lay at one time? The number of eggs can vary based on species, age, season, and … Read more

What Does a Mourning Dove Eat Will Surprise You!

What Does a Mourning Dove Eat

With its soft cooing calls and slim silhouette, the mourning dove is a familiar backyard bird across much of North America. But what exactly do these understated doves eat to sustain themselves throughout the year? Mourning doves have a diverse diet that fluctuates based on seasonal availability. By understanding mourning dove feeding ecology, we can … Read more

How Do Pigeons Know Where to Go? 🕊️Uncover the Mystery!

How did pigeons know where to go

Pigeons have an impressive and mysterious ability to find their way home over extremely long distances. Even when released hundreds of miles away, pigeons can still navigate back to their loft with astonishing accuracy. So how do these urban birds have such an uncanny sense of direction and location? Pigeon Navigation Systems Pigeons rely on … Read more

How Did the Passenger Pigeon Go Extinct? [The Surprising Truth!]

How did the passenger pigeon go extinct

The passenger pigeons were once North America’s most populous bird, numbering over billions. However, by 1914, the species was completely extinct in the wild. The shocking demise of the passenger pigeon is one of the most dramatic examples of human-caused extinction. In this page, we will explore the natural history of the passenger pigeon and … Read more

Pigeon Sitting: It’s a Relaxation Behavior, Not a Strange Phenomenon!

Pigeon Sitting

Pigeon sitting reveals a simple behavior – the birds are relaxing, not exhibiting any kind of strange phenomenon. When sitting, they are likely feeling calm, conserving energy, and taking in their surroundings. Their posture and habits have logical explanations. Why Do Pigeons Sit So Often? They have several key reasons for these: Common Pigeon Sitting … Read more